Sunday, September 6, 2009

EDM 310 Podcasts

I watched this video podcast twice before making any decisions about what improvements could be made. I noticed that not everyone seemed to be alert or as active as others. Its very important that everyone be into the conversation and to support ideas of their peers or to be active in producing ideas, thoughts, and opinions of their own. When making a video podcast your body language needs to show that you are alert and participating in the discussion. This means that there shouldn't be any slouching. It gives off an 'Are we done yet?' attitude.

Some of my peers feel that there were too many opinions expressed and not enough facts. Well, the definition (according to of an opinion is 'a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.' The question that was proposed in the beginning was 'What is a tech literate teacher'? I feel that this type of question requires opinions as opposed to facts. However, if I misunderstood and what my fellow classmates were saying is that they should have done was back up their opinions with examples then for the most part I agree. If I were to give the opinion of someone who was tech literate and simple say that it is a person who utilizes technology. Then I could say, as an example, that I'm technologically literate because I use Excel to keep track of my finances, use the ERIC database to help with my research papers, and use a search engine to find out what a wisdom tooth is and what procedure is used to remove it so that when I go to the oral surgeon I am more familiar with what to expect and I am prepared to ask questions.


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